- DATE: Sunday, May 5, 2013
- DISTANCE: 5k (3.1miles) – Fast and Flat | 1k (approx. ½ mile) – participation ribbon and raffles – starts 7:30am sharp
- LOCATION: Start and Finish at River Elementary School, Patchogue
- START: 8:00am – Numbers and t-shirts may be picked up starting 6:30am | Day of race registration starts at 6:30am and ends at 7:45am
- FEE: $20.00 pre-registered – top quality dry fit t-shirts guaranteed to all registrations received before 4/15/12. $25.00 day-of-race – cotton t-shirts to same day registrants while supplies last
- TIMING: Timing and scoring by Just Finish http://justfinish.net
- AWARDS: $50 Cash Awards presented to Top Overall Male and Female runners, trophies and prizes to top overall male and female River Graduates and physically challenged athletes. Prizes to 3 deep in 5 year age brackets.
- AMENITIES: Post race Award Ceremony, Refreshments and Drawings for great prizes (must be present to win); splits at 1st and 2nd mile, water station ½ way point, toilet facilities, easy parking.
Please fill out this application form to participate. We hope to see you there!