One of the most difficult tasks of handling litigation is keeping our clients “up to speed” with current developments. This is particularly true in personal injury cases with developing medical conditions, diagnostic tests and of course the ever present threat from the insurance company to try to litigate the case forever. We pride ourselves with going the extra mile to be sure clients are aware of developments – good and bad – as the case moves forward. This prevents surprises and often will be a means by which the client will be able to see what the case will look like well before it is presented to the jury. Our customary lines of communication include seeking input upon conclusion and we are happy to share the results of one satisfied client we recently received. In keeping with our policy of confidentiality, we have left the client’s name off the website but we are happy to share his heartfelt response.

$285,000 recovered for a knee injury incurred while painting a wall in a single family residence.